Anyone have downloadable adobe cc applications

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    Posts: 67

    Anyone one have any adobe applications that we can actually download? All the ones posted are locked behind subscriptions....
    26 March 2019 - 15:18 / #1
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    Posts: 25

    CC is only subscription based, you need the earlier CS. I think the cut down version Photoshop Elements you can still buy standalone (not sure about that but last time I checked it was, but that was a while ago)
    27 March 2019 - 22:25 / #2
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    Posts: 67

    I have CS6 on my PC. So CC will work on my PC? Also everyone who post CC application put it behind the hosting paywall is there no way to post it normally?
    28 March 2019 - 01:24 / #3
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    Posts: 9


    You cannot download and use any photoshop version past cs6. After cs6 was released (the new CC series) all versions are a "Lease to use" subscription model requiring a monthly fee to use.

    There are NO viable pirated versions of any version of PS CC.
    Last edited: redronin 1 April 2019 - 05:38
    1 April 2019 - 05:36 / #4
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    Posts: 67

    So why post any CC Applications if that the case on this website? The person who's posting all these CC application is just spamming this site if there's no crack for those applications...

    I'm just wondering why who ever is posting all these applications on the site is posting them behind pay walls. If people have to pay for it why bother posting it on here?

    There's way to many applications being posted and everyone of them is behind rapidgator or Nova paywalls.
    7 April 2019 - 07:53 / #5
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    Posts: 9


    Because the asshole who is spamming the board with his BS posts is just trying to earn click revenue from the uniformed who bother to click his links.

    The only reason scams are successful is because some people are to uninformed to actually look a gift horse in the mouth.

    Look dude, a simple 2 second google search will confirm what I've told you about the new Adobe CC license, don't want to look or believe me then have fun on your wild goose chase okay.
    9 April 2019 - 17:47 / #6