» Articles for 03.05.2014 » page 2

Everyday Underwear M4H4

Everyday Underwear M4H4

Welcome to a world of comfy cotton!

These are the ordinary undergarments of the guy next door, made of breathable natural fabrics and designed to fit comfortably in every situation - the boardroom, the bedroom, the dressing room, the gymnasium.

Every digital man needs his everyday underwear. Does yours have some? At this amazing price, they are barely $4 the pair for these four incredibly versatile supermorphing pieces.


Real Tanks and Containers

Real Tanks and Containers

Thirty-nine real world tanks and containers to fill your scenes. Each item is an easy poseable prop so you can use them for just about anything, including scifi/military/zombafied alien dinosaur renders. It comes with enough textures to make your renders unique and most of the containers are mapped and textured to allow you to add any color of your choosing.

